Premiered Oct 24, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. Synapse was performed alongside Joe Hisaishi and Phillip Glass's world premiere of their re-orchestration of "Les Enfants Terribles" at the Joe Hisaishi Presents: Music Future Vol. 6 Concert. For flute, bass clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, violin, violoncello, percussion, and piano.
Premiered in Los Angeles, California on June 14, 2019, for "Darkness: Concert in Los Feliz". Maia Thomas was a resident composer at Sunset ChamberFest. For clarinet, viola, and piano.
Premiered in Los Angeles, And Endless was performed in CA on March 24, 2019 for the Intermedia concert at Schoenfeld Hall. Live alto saxophone and piano improvisation performed by Maia Thomas and Hannah Lipton, respectively. Saxophone extended techniques + electronics composed by Maia Thomas.
Premiered in Los Angeles, California on March 8, 2018 for Choreographers And Composers concert at The Glorya Kaufman International Dance Center. Choreographed by Jakevis Thomason and Ausia Jones. For fixed media electronics.
Premiered in Los Angeles, California on April 27, 2018 at a USC Thornton Composition Showcase. Live piano performed by Maia Thomas. For piano and tape track.
Premiered in Aarhus, Denmark on April 27, 2018 at Solistkoncert. Performed by Fátima Trives Escolano. For clarinet and tape track.